Thursday, June 4, 2015

Conducting a Course

Star Q

From the 5/5/2015 to 7/5/2015, I was among the many participants who attended the School Support for Writing workshop organised and conducted by the people from ELTC or English Language Teaching Centre.  The workshop which was conducted to cater to participants from the southern zone of the peninsular was held at the Pusat Latihan Guru dan Perkhidmatan in Bandar Tenggara, Johor.

Participants upon returning to school after the course, were required to conducted in-house training for their colleagues in the same school.  As it turned out, one of the teachers from the district where I come from was unable to attend the workshop.  So, it was my responsibility to disseminate the information to them.

The which I conducted for the English Language teachers of SMK Pasir Besar was done over two afternoons; each session lasted for two hours.  It was a challenge to comprise materials from a three-day course into two hours!

At the end of the course, I also gave the administrator of the school, a photostated copy of the School Support  Handbook as a friendly gesture and continued cooperation. 

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